Swedish Burger King Trolls McDonald's With Parody Burger Names

McDonald's recently lost the trademark for its classic Big Mac sandwich in the European Union, after going after the smaller Irish chain Supermac's. Consequently The Guardian reports that Burger King in Sweden has decided to take full advantage of the now-available "Big Mac" name, offering a menu of burgers featuring names like "Kind Of Like A Big Mac, But Juicier And Tastier," "Burger Big Mac Wished It Was," "Like a Big Mac, But Actually Big," and "Big Mac-ish But Flame-Grilled of Course."

Burger King and McDonald's have a long history of battling at the top of the burger chain wars, with McD's the perennial number one and BK the perennial runner-up. In a news release, says The Guardian, Iwo Zakowski, CEO of Burger King's Swedish operation, explained, "McDonald's just lost its trademark for the Big Mac for suing a much smaller player... it's too much fun for us to stay away."

Last month, Burger King in the U.S. released the Big King XL in a direct attempt to take on the Big Mac, boasting that its new concoction had more meat than McD's signature burger. A previous promotion offered customers Whoppers for a penny when users were in the vicinity of McDonald's. The BK Twitter feed even called out Kanye West for claiming McDonald's as his favorite restaurant, saying, "Explains a lot." While this new effort by the innovative Swedish BK is just the latest in a long chain of churlish events between the two burger giants, we imagine McD's is really, really sorry that it lost that lawsuit.
