Prince Philip Was Obsessed With Pulling A Mustard Prank On Children

The late Duke of Edinburgh’s favorite game apparently involved squirting mustard all over the ceiling.

What comes to mind when you think of the British Royal Family? Probably that famous Windsor sense of humor, right? Big jokers, all of 'em! Per the BBC, no one exemplified the monarchs' famously lighthearted nature quite like the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, as he was apparently obsessed with causing his grandchildren to squirt mustard all over the ceiling.

The anecdote comes courtesy of Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, who discussed the prank in a forthcoming BBC One documentary to be aired on Wednesday. "He used to take the lid off [the tube] and put it in your hands... and then he'd squish your hands together to fire the mustard onto the ceiling," Prince William recalls. "He used to get in a lot of trouble from my grandmother." I imagine the encounters went something like this:

PRINCE PHILIP: I say, chap, let's fire some mustard onto the ceiling. Hee hee. Mustard prank!

PRINCE WILLIAM: Quite right, old fellow! *fires mustard onto ceiling*

PRINCE PHILIP: Hee hee, mustard prank.

QUEEN ELIZABETH II: I say, stop that posthaste!

PRINCE PHILIP: Hee hee, mustard prank.

Prince William also recalls that the duke, who died in April at age 99, was a big fan of barbecuing. "Every barbecue that I have ever been on, the Duke of Edinburgh has been there cooking," Prince William told the BBC. William's father, Prince Charles, agreed, saying that the duke "turned [barbecuing] into an interesting art form." I am not interested in prying further into this mustard man's barbecue strategy, so we'll leave it there.

Ultimately, Prince William remembers the late duke as "the heart of the family." The monarch recalls: "He enjoyed those jokes, he enjoyed messing around the children and being a grandfather." Yes, well, I'd also enjoy pranking my grandchildren with mustard if I had a legion of staff to clean up the mess. Hee hee, mustard prank.
