What If Subway Threw A Twitter Poll And Nobody Responded?

Sure, Subway has hit few bumps. Yes, it could hardly have selected a worse choice (unknowingly, but still) for a spokesperson. It announced last month that it's closing hundred of stores in the U.S. So who could blame the brand for wanting to drum up some interest with a Twitter poll or two?


Unfortunately, Subway Canada seems to lack the online savvy of a nasty Wendy's or a benevolent Little Debbie, say, as the two polls it posted on the morning of May 9 received the digital equivalent of a high-five left tragically hanging, as Munchies reports:

Was it the term "bread bae"? The possibility that the Greek sub is actually heinous? We may never know for sure, but of Subway Canada's 135,000 followers, not a one took the nanosecond it would take to vote for 9-Grain Honey bread or Tzatziki sauce.


Ironically, these polls then attracted much more attention for the responses they didn't get, resulting in a number of replies and retweets. While Subway's social media person appears to be very responsive to complaints about various sandwiches or stores, when it comes to a little poll shade, we have to say they're sounding pretty butthurt.

Hey, Subway, social media is a hellish, mean-spirited minefield: You'd better develop a tougher skin before your next online poll. Meanwhile, relax: You're still the largest restaurant chain in the world, with over 44,000 locations around the globe.

