Buy A Pan Am Drinks Trolley, Commit To The Fantasy Of Stay-At-Home Travel

Despite the ongoing pandemic Americans seem to be increasingly taking to the skies, but we're still locked out of most international destinations and air travel continues to feel like a risky decision. That doesn't mean we can't pretend that we're traveling, though, and if we're going to be living some kind of globe-trotting delusional fantasy we might as well invest in something like this Pan Am-branded in-flight service drinks trolley.

As my wife can attest, there are many, many things that I have irrationally wanted to purchase, and this is now one of them. Made by one of the companies that manufactures trolleys for airlines, the cart is delightfully mechanical and retains all of the pedals and switches that (if you're like me) you've always been tempted to play with but haven't, for fear of being arrested by an undercover air marshal.

The problem, other than the fact that my friends would think I'm an idiot and my wife would probably hit me on the head Tom-and-Jerry-style with a frying pan, is that the base model costs a hair under $1500. This is kind of a lot for a metal drinks trolley, even if it is branded after America's most famous, spacious airline. But look, you're going to need somewhere to store all of that airline food you've been ordering, so you might as well go all in and truly complete the illusion.
