High School Resorts To Espresso Machine To Get Teens To Drink Their Milk

It's a bad time for milk in America, what with the country's two biggest milk processors going bankrupt, the growing popularity of nut juice, and it being the official drink of Mitt Romney. You really can't blame the cool kids of Gen Z for not wanting to wash down their Impossible Whoppers and 7-Eleven taquitos with a tall glass of cool, creamy liquid ivory, but one North Dakota high school had an idea to help get teens to do their bodies good, and it seems to be working.

Three years ago, Williston High School got a grant from the Midwest Dairy Council to purchase a state-of-the-art espresso machine, figuring that if they couldn't get students to drink straight milk, maybe they should try serving lattes. The gamble worked, as the school is now purchasing between 500 and 600 gallons of milk each year solely to be used in coffee beverages.

"I used to get it in the morning every day, but now I have a first hour so I get it during lunch every day," said senior Libby Swensrud to West Dakota Fox News. "I'm lactose intolerant, but I really like the coffee, so I just deal with it."

Add this to the running list of problems North Dakotans have solved, such as saving endangered rural grocery stores, getting shelter dogs adopted, and how to best keep cold in winter. We've definitely got 99 problems for them, but at least now milk ain't one.
