Last Call: Now That Nutella And Taco Bell Have Hotels, Which Brand Should Be Next?

Nutella announced this week that it will be opening the Hotella Nutella in the Napa Valley the weekend of January 10. The press release describes it as "a first-of-its-kind, weekend getaway experience dedicated to the beloved spread." The hotel will be open for just that single weekend, and the only people who will be allowed to stay there are the three lucky winners of the Nutella Weekend Breakfast Experience contest who will be chosen on the basis of a "creative, original video (:60 seconds or less) reflecting their passion for Nutella at breakfast." (And probably also some lucky Instagram influencers.) We'll ignore the fact that, at least based on promo photos, the Hotella Nutella looks about as plush and inviting as a youth hostel. Come on, Nutella, you could at least be true to your roots and go for an Alpine chalet!

Hotella Nutella sort of follows in the footsteps of The Bell, the Taco Bell-themed hotel that popped up in Palm Springs for one weekend in August, in the sense that it's based on a popular food brand, but The Bell operated on a free enterprise model and anyone could stay there, at least as long as they nabbed a reservation during the two minutes they were available before they sold out. It does not follow in the footsteps of the Hotel Hershey, which, although also chocolate-themed, is a permanent concept near the Hershey factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

This of course made us wonder which brands we would most like to get in on this trend. A few suggestions:

  • Trader Joe's
  • Merkts Cheese Spread
  • Pepperidge Farm Goldfish
  • Skittles (just so it would have pool of Skittles we could dive into Scrooge McDuck–style)
  • Vienna Beef hot dogs
  • Or any hot dogs, really. Maybe a resort that celebrates all the hot dogs of our nation.
  • Hostess (a Twinkie bed seems like it would be very comfortable?)
  • Noosa Yoghurt
  • Kit Kat
  • White Castle (in the form of a castle, naturally)
  • Jimmy Buffet's Cheeseburger in Paradise (but only as a Club Med–style resort with cheeseburger-themed poolside activities)
  • What else should go on this list?
