Let's Raise A Sloshy "Huzzah!" To The World Beer Mile Champion

Corey Bellemore ran a full Beer Mile in just four minutes and 28 seconds.

There's running a mile, and then there's running a mile while your stomach's full of beer. The fearsome Beer Mile—running four laps around a quarter-mile track and downing four beers in the process—has been attempted by many and mastered by few. But Men's Health reports that Canadian runner Corey Bellemore has just set a new all-time world record for the vomit-worthy feat: four minutes and 28 seconds.

Per Men's Health, this is actually Bellemore's fourth Beer Mile world record. He set the last record in San Francisco in 2017, clocking in at four minutes and 33 seconds. "I knew the potential was there, and I'm finally happy to go sub-4:30," Bellmore said in a post-race interview. "There's still room for improvement, but overall, good quality field, everyone ran really fast, so it was an awesome day."

To say that "everyone ran really fast" seems like a bit of an understatement. If you watch Bellemore race against the competition in this video, it's clear that the runners are world-class athletes. What does a world-class athlete do to prepare to run an ultra-sudsy mile? Turns out, not much: Bellemore previously told Men's Health that he tends to wing it. "I just show up on race day and hope my stomach can handle it all," Bellemore said.

Me, I've attempted exactly one Beer Mile, and I can attest to the fact that it's incredibly unpleasant. (I didn't finish.) It's not that you feel the effects of the booze while you're running; rather, the issue comes with the bloating, cramping, and ogre-like belching caused by the beer. I truly cannot imagine running a sub-five-minute mile in perfect conditions, let alone while sloshing around under yeasty duress. I'll leave this one to the pros—but maybe I'll get into the Wine Mile game?
