Chili's Is Hell-Bent On Celebrating Its 45th Birthday In Style

Doesn't it seem like it was only yesterday that Chili's was turning 44? And yet here we are, after one more revolution around the sun, and Chili's is celebrating 45 years of Tex-Mex (and at least several decades of infectious jingles).

Chili's has a few big things planned to celebrate its birthday month, like serving $3.13 margaritas on March 13, which will come in special commemorative glasses you get to take home, because who doesn't need more commemorative glassware taking up irregular amounts of space inside their kitchen cabinets?

Just as Lent precedes Easter and advent precedes Christmas, Cheap Margarita Day is preceded by the 13 Days of Chili's, which began March 1. By following Chili's on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you'll have the chance to win some exclusive Chili's swag, like the Skillet Queso bomber jacket or the "I FEEL GOD IN THIS CHILI'S TONIGHT" T-shirt, pictured above for you to lust over. Though we've reached a saturation point of fast food fashion and it's no longer, as the kids say, "swanky," you've got to admit that this jacket is pretty sweet. Perhaps even iconic.

But what if you've followed Chili's on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and you're still feeling like you could (or must) cram even more exciting Chili's content into your daily life? We have the answer for you. On Friday, March 6, Chili's plans to unveil its new TikTok account at @chilisofficial and will be issuing a #ChilisBirthday challenge for all you unpaid content creators out there. Maybe if you go viral you'll get a free T-shirt. What a time to be alive!

