What Is The Supreme PB-To-J Ratio?

A spirited discussion among NFL fans leads us to the ultimate sandwich mathematics query.

Hello, peanut butter heads. It's time for another spirited sandwich discussion. If you've been following along, we recently discussed our ideal PB&J ingredients, which led us down a delicious rabbit hole full of your sandwich-making tips. But today, we have a mathematical matter before us. Today, we're talking peanut butter to jelly ratios. This has nothing to do with your preferred type of peanut butter or jelly. This is about numbers. This is about precision.

The question's been eating at us since this morning, when we reported on a whimsical occurrence during yesterday's Buffalo Bills/Kansas City Chiefs NFL game. During a rain delay, the players passed the time by halfheartedly chowing on peanut butter and jelly which reportedly had a "70-30" peanut butter to jelly ratio. This displeased the players, who would have preferred more of a 50-50 split.

The sandwich snafu inspired a bit of Twitter discourse, with fans tweeting their preferences (50-50, 60-40, 70-30, et cetera). I polled The Takeout staff, and our preferences are similarly distinct. Personally, I typically go for a 60-40 split. I like a hearty smattering of jelly, but to apply equal amounts of jelly and peanut butter seems like a one-way ticket to Soggy Town. My fellow staff writer Dennis Lee agrees, pointing out that he's witnessed one too many instances of jelly stinginess in his day. 40% jelly to 60% peanut butter strikes the perfect balance between a dry sammie and a goopy mess.

On the other side of the argument, my colleague Allison Robicelli prefers an all-PB sandwich, remarking that jelly is simply too sweet. Meanwhile, Takeout editor in chief Marnie Shure enjoys "all jellies in all ratios." So, where do you stand? Have you found the ideal ratio of peanut butter to jelly? Do you go all PB or, bravely, all jelly? Let's discuss.
