Last Call: What Are The Best Soft Foods?

This morning my husband found out he needs to have some very painful dental work, which means that for the next few weeks, we're going to be eating a lot of soft foods in this house. I'm not going to be the wife that forces him to watch me eat chicken parm heroes while he's stuck living off mushy bananas and Huel. I intend to cook and eat right alongside him till I eventually break down and start sneaking out for fried chicken while he's sleeping. As much as my heart is breaking for the poor guy, that same heart is full of chicken grease and, as they say, it wants what it wants.

To keep his spirits up, and keep myself from getting discouraged, I'm working a menu for the next few weeks. Ordinarily I don't do much meal planning because I'm a wild stallion who prefers to live in the moment, but I figure if I have a long list of dishes to get excited about, it'll make that soft food go down even easier. Additionally, even though I am a spectacular and highly-creative cook, I worry that after a few days of soups and Jell-O molds, I'm going to start getting lazy and phoning it in. Day one, you get something nice, like some warm French onion lentil soup. Day ten, maybe it's something a little easier, like a big bowl of mashed potatoes. Day twenty comes along, and you're sucking down canned soup with a straw. Pre-soft diet Allison has lots of big plans, but three-weeks-in-soft diet Allison is done with everyone and everything, and will be eating chocolate pudding for dinner.

So help me out with my meal planning, folks. I've got plenty of great recipes in my arsenal, but I'm interesting in some new material that will surprise and delight my husband and me. What are some of your favorite soft foods? If you've ever been on a soft food diet before, how did you keep yourself from eating fried chicken in a parking lot at 3 a.m.?
