Reminder: Amazon Isn't The Only Grocery Store On The Internet

Did you know there are other companies that sell things online other than Amazon? I know, I know, but hear me out. Amazon has everything and it all arrives instantly, which is great, but not totally true mid-pandemic. The current uptick in online ordering means Amazon has been experiencing massive shipping delays—items that typically arrive in a couple days are now taking weeks. But that's just more about Amazon's overload than about any other stores or shipping methods. In fact, some small businesses are so hungry for customers that they're even quicker to ship than usual, according to the Wall Street Journal. The paper compiled a useful guide for ordering locally online, all of which can be applied to grocery shopping, too.

Some of these search tips are so obvious that I feel like I'm in an "intro to computers" class at a nursing home. But honestly, I've gotten so accustomed to absentmindedly ordering from Amazon that these reminders are extremely helpful. Please pop your peepers on and read along:

  • Search "[your state] distillery sanitizer" to find local breweries that have pivoted to making the cleaning product
  • Search Etsy for homemade masks
  • Search "[product name] near me" — this one's real obvious, but man, yeah
  • Use Google Shopping and check off "Available nearby" in the left hand column
  • Find a product on Amazon, then go directly to the original website and order directly from them
  • Sign up for PayPal and/or Apple Pay to keep your credit card information saved and secure
  • That's just a few, but you get the point. Amazon has gotten so ingrained in our brains lately that it's easy to forget that the company isn't synonymous with the whole of online shopping. If "shop local" hasn't convinced you on an ethical and/or emotional level, know that now, the little guys will probably get your goods to your doorstep faster than Amazon can. So crack your knuckles and get Googlin', you crazy kids!
