Last Call: Tell Us All About Your Favorite Holiday Cookies

In December, cookies become an official food group. Even if we don't have the convenient excuse of holiday parties, cookie swaps, cookie tables, or "for the office," I suspect many of us are still heading to our kitchens to cream and mix and scoop. All week long, Takeout writers have been sharing holiday cookie recipes—both traditional and not—and today we crowned the winner of our first-ever Holiday Cooking Contest. (Congratulations again to John Roskopf, creator of Chocolate Thai Peanut Butter Cookies!) This morning we also published the news of a poll that asked our fellow Americans to rank their favorite holiday cookies: as a nation, we love our chocolate chips and despise thumbprints.

(Why is there so much hatred for the humble thumbprint anyway? Is it because it contains jelly instead of chocolate?)

Now is the time for us to open the forum up to you, our readers. What's your favorite holiday cookie? Share with us in the comments—and don't forget to pass along the recipes!
