Is It Necessary To Wash Bagged Greens?
Pre-packaged produce, like the low-key genius of bagged salad kits and greens, is a godsend when you're in a time crunch. But there's probably a nagging question in the back of your mind about whether you're supposed to wash it prior to use. Fortunately, the answer's almost always in the labeling. Look carefully at the packaging, because it will usually indicate if the produce has already been washed — or you need to wash it yourself.
Most salad kits are ready to eat as-is, but there are a few items that may not be labeled as such, like certain types of pre-cut greens. It's best to wash those to remove any potential pathogens, dirt, foreign objects, or insects. (Here's how to remove the dirt from your lettuce — and any creepy crawlies.) Even if the veggies look clean, but the packaging isn't quite clear on whether or not they've been washed, it's your safest bet to wash the greens on your own. Just be sure not to put them in contact with any surfaces that have previously touched ingredients like raw meat, so you don't contaminate your produce.
The easy way to wash bagged greens
Since bagged greens are already cut and processed, all you need to do is soak or rinse them. Possibly the most practical way to do this is by using a countertop gadget like the OXO Good Grips salad spinner. You can fill the bowl of the spinner with water and soak the lettuce in it, agitating the greens a little to get the leaves moving. Drain the water into the sink, repeat one or two more times, and then you can use the spinner function to dry off the leaves.
Of course, you can use a salad spinner for more than drying greens. But as far as quickly washing leafy lettuce, it's a no-brainer. Just be sure to check the label of pre-packaged greens carefully to see if you need to wash them on your own. For packaged lettuces, modern produce processing facilities have special equipment that has thoroughly washed your produce already. Chances are, you're good to use them straight out of the bag.