The Menu Item You Should Pass On When Dining At A Steakhouse
High-quality steakhouses are among the greatest restaurant styles in the world (maybe second only to bistros), but not every menu item is worth buying, regardless of how common it is. While they're a haven for meat lovers overall, you should probably stick to the steaks themselves rather than ordering a burger. Now, while we aren't going to police you on your tastes, there are very good reasons behind this advice. Even if the steakhouse has good burgers, you likely won't get the most bang for your buck if you order one.
This much was revealed to us by Kylian Goussot, a chef for Lafayette Steakhouse in Miami, Florida, when we spoke to him all about his tips for the best steakhouse experience. During that discussion, Goussot specifically noted that burgers — among other items — aren't the best purchase to make. He encouraged steakhouse-goers to avoid "items like ground steak or processed meat options, like [a] cheeseburger, if they're overpriced." He continued, "While they can be tasty, they don't offer the same quality or appeal as a fresh steak cut."
Expensive burgers aren't worth buying at most steakhouses
So, why exactly does the form of your beef make a difference when it comes to ordering at a steakhouse? Well, as Goussot mentioned, it's hard to beat the quality of a fresh steak with just ground beef and toppings. However, that fact isn't typically reflected in the price of a steakhouse burger, which can go for upwards of $25 at some steakhouses.
Considering the fact that, unlike steak, burger quality plateaus quite quickly (few things separate a $10 burger from a $25 burger in terms of quality), these sometimes high burger prices simply aren't worth it. However, this isn't a catch-all rule. If you do find yourself needing a cheaper option at an overly-expensive steakhouse, a burger might be a solid last resort to save a bit of money. After all, it's quite common for a steakhouse's cheapest steak to be a bit more expensive than even its very best ground steak burger.