Why Drinking Raw Orange Juice Can Be Dangerous
Freshly squeezed orange juice is typically considered the best kind of orange juice you can possibly drink, but it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks. Much like raw milk, which has several safety risks in its own right, raw orange juice doesn't go through the process of pasteurization, with the juice being bottled soon after the fruit itself has been squeezed. This means that by the time you decide to consume it, raw juices can be contaminated with dangerous bacteria such as E.coli or Salmonella, as it was not treated to eliminate those variables prior to bottling.
This is the case for many bottled juices that are labeled as raw, which are required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to carry a label that states it is unpasteurized. The FDA also suggests advises that children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with compromised immune systems should avoid unpasteurized juices. However, raw juices that are sold by the glass, such as those at farmers' markets, orchards and groves, and juice bars, are not required to display a warning label.
The pros and cons of raw orange juice
Now that we know exactly what raw orange juice can do to our bodies, it's important to note that there are several different terms that might make you think the juice is unpasteurized. For example, the distinction of 100% juice does not necessarily mean your juice is raw, though it does mean that it isn't from juice concentrate (which is perfectly fine to drink). Similarly, cold-pressed juice defines how the juice is extracted from the fruit, but doesn't necessarily indicate whether it's raw or not.
Given the risks, many may wonder why people would prefer to drink raw juices. For some, it merely comes down to the taste and ease. With the use of a good juicer — or a BBQ tool like a pair of tongs, if you don't have a dedicated juicer — fresh juice is not only delicious, but can also be time-efficient when made at home. However, for others who do it solely for to its perceived health benefits, there's even more bad news: Experts say that there are minimal health benefits from raw juice compared to the pasteurized alternatives, which makes proponents as vulnerable to possible risks as those with health issues and beyond.