For Juicier Pumpkin Seeds, Choose An Unripe Green One
When it comes to gourd royalty, it's easy to see why we obsess over pumpkins every fall. Pumpkins are versatile. They're used in cooking and baking and when they're orange and ripe, they're an iconic symbol of fall and Halloween. The ripe orange pumpkins are great, but the often unwanted green, unripe pumpkins also have a place in the food world. The seeds of these pumpkins are a good place to start. They're juicier than ripe pumpkin seeds making them a great option for a wide variety of meals.
Unripe pumpkin seeds are softer than ripe ones. And when bit into, they provide a rush of flavor. Unripe pumpkin seeds present a taste similar to that of a zucchini or a cucumber. This is because pumpkin sugar content remains at the same levels as when harvested. Since the sugars in unripe pumpkins haven't had the chance to develop, the taste is less like a pumpkin and more like a refreshing snack.
We're all aware that there are some novel ways to cook with pumpkin and their seeds. Unripe pumpkin seeds are no different. They can be used in cooking and baking and have a place in recipes that call for zucchini or cucumber. They can be used as mild yet flavorful toppings for meals and desserts. Their soft exterior also makes them a great addition to a stew or soup, adding both flavor and health benefits as pumpkin seeds are notably high in magnesium and fiber content.
Ways to enjoy unripe pumpkin seeds
Finding ways to eat unripe pumpkin seeds is easy since they're delicious from the start. If you're in the mood, grabbing a handful and eating them plain is always an option. However, if you're looking for a snack so good you'll make it a staple for life, shake raw pumpkin seeds up with a generous amount of seasoning from a ranch packet or tajin and eat them right out of a bowl. Or if you're looking for a more complex way of eating them, you could always whip up a tapenade using pumpkin seeds.
Something else to note about pumpkin seeds is they make for a great ingredient swap for a nut-free pesto. The water content and clean, refreshing flavors of unripe pumpkin seeds make them a great addition to this delicious classic. For a sweet treat, know that unripe pumpkin seeds will also pair well with desserts or treats that call for apples or raisins. The complimentary flavor combinations make the seeds perfect as a topping or mixed in with the dish. If you find yourself with an unripe pumpkin, know that it doesn't need to go to waste. There are perfectly delicious ways to enjoy this pumpkin and its seeds just as much as its ripe, orange brethren.