The Red Flag That's A Major Sign Of A Bad Grocery Store

Let's face it, not all grocery stores are created equal. And while people may have small, personal vendettas against certain local supermarkets for having a bad layout, not having their favorite brand of cookies, or for putting out the eggnog too late in the holiday season, that doesn't necessarily indicate that those stores are bad. However, there are cases in which stores are simply poorly run and generally disorganized. While a little bit of disorganization is tolerable, beyond a certain point, it can result in a worse shopping experience for both new and old customers. Plus, shopping at a poorly run grocery store could be a liability to your health if certain foods or beverages are mishandled before you purchase them.

There are several things to be wary of when examining whether or not the grocery stores you go to are up to the standard they should be. However, the most important–and easiest to spot — is undoubtedly cleanliness. Whether you are approaching a new grocery store for the very first time or are worried that you may need to find a new one, the amount of care and attention put into ensuring a store both looks and physically is clean is perhaps the most important attribute when it comes to deciding where (and where not) to shop.

Cleanliness is key inside a grocery store

While outliers can exist, a grocery store that does not maintain a clean and tidy presentation is typically not a place worth going to. Dirty floors, especially, are a red flag as the floors should be washed at least once a day. While accidents happen and messes are bound to arise frequently within stores full of foods and beverages, if you regularly see spills not get attended to for long periods of time, it could be a sign of poor management or inattentive staff.

Beyond dirty floors, a grocery store's lack of cleanliness can be spotted in many places throughout a supermarket, such as on the store shelves or in the coolers. When walking up and down the aisles, if you find that items are frequently disheveled to the point that it becomes difficult to find things, that could be indicative of a general lack of care, as well. Furthermore, if you smell or see something unsavory that should not be present, be cognizant of that fact and maybe look into taking your shopping elsewhere.
