Sparkling Wine And Fried Food Are Always A Winning Pairing

Sparkling wine and fried food are two of life's greatest gustatory pleasures, so perhaps it's only natural that they're even better together. From the iconic high-low combo of perfectly chilled champagne and fried chicken to specific pairings like sparkling prosecco and mozzarella sticks, bubbly wine and crispy crunchy fried delights are a match made in heaven.

This pairing works so well not just because both elements are practically guaranteed to be delicious, but because the flavors and textures contrast and complement each other perfectly. The fizz of the sparkling wine primes the taste buds for the rich crunch of fried food, while the wine's higher acidity level cleanses the palate and contrasts beautifully with greasy fried fare.

The truth is that champagne and other sparkling wines pair well with basically any food because the fizz and acidity work in tandem to keep your mouth watering for the next bite. That's why champagne is so often served as a pre-meal aperitif. However, there is a particular kind of magic that happens when you take a sip of sparkling wine and a bite of crunchy fried deliciousness.

How to pair sparkling wine and fried foods

There's really no wrong way to pair sparkling wine and fried foods because the elements that make them perfect together are relatively consistent –- bubbles, acidity, and a rich, greasy crunch. However, there are a few ways to take this pairing to the next level. One thing to keep in mind is the acidity of the food. If you're enjoying a more acidic food such as fried fish or french fries with ketchup, you may want to opt for a strongly acidic bubbly wine like Brut Champagne or sparkling Chenin Blanc.

Additionally, you can think about pairing sparkling wines and fried dishes that are (loosely) characteristic of similar geographic regions. For example, prosecco and cannolis, sparkling cava and churros, or champagne and french fries. This exercise will also allow you to reflect on the vast and wonderful diversity of fried foods and sparkling wines, which we should all do from time to time. 

On the other hand, champagne and decidedly not French fried chicken is one of the most beloved fried food and sparkling wine pairings. The important thing is to choose sparkling wine and fried foods you enjoy, and play around to find what works best for your palate. Considering that there's a sparkling wine for every occasion and almost any food can be fried (deep-fried Rice Krispies Treats, anyone?), the fizzy-fried possibilities are truly endless. 
