Here's How Long Smoked Salmon Stays Good For After Being Opened

Smoked salmon isn't cheap, so I always try to eat every last bit of it once it's opened. If I buy it in bulk, there's usually an abundance of leftover slices, which is a good problem to have. That's the promise of lox and bagels galore, toppings for savory pancakes, quiche fillings, and whatever else your heart desires. However, it can take some time to get through excess smoked salmon, so it's important to know just how long it stays good in the refrigerator before it slips into the danger zone.


The first step in buying the best smoked salmon and keeping it fresh is knowing what kinds are widely available. Cold smoked salmon includes the soft silky variety, such as lox, while hot smoked salmon is flaky and hard-cooked. Fortunately, the shelf life for the two types is relatively easy to remember since they're roughly the same: Once a package of smoked salmon has been opened, it'll last about a week in the fridge.

Hot and cold smoked salmon share a similar shelf life

Once packaged cold smoked salmon is open, wrap it tightly with cling film so it is not exposed to any air (which will make it spoil faster), and keep it refrigerated. The general rule is to use it within a week, and if you're concerned about spoilage, smoked salmon that's gone bad will likely be discolored. More obvious tells include mold spots, if it smells off, or has a slimy texture. If you don't have any immediate plans for the smoked salmon, keep unopened packaged cold smoked salmon in your freezer for up to three months before it starts losing its optimal flavor.


In terms of hot smoked salmon, you'll want to store it in an airtight container (or wrap it in plastic wrap), keep it in the refrigerator, and finish it within a week. Again, your senses are your best friend here — any off colors, smells, or textures are a red flag, and anything that seems out of the ordinary usually means there's an issue. Like cold smoked salmon, the hot smoked kind lasts for quite a while in the freezer, again, up to three months, before it starts losing its prime flavor.

What to do with smoked salmon

Before you toss smoked salmon in the freezer, consider pairing it with other ingredients. Cold smoked salmon is luxuriously soft and does well with rich accompaniments like crème fraîche, especially on potato pancakes, blinis, or your favorite crackers. Of course, there's the classic lox and cream cheese combo on a bagel. We like using cold smoked salmon in unconventional meals like lox rangoons, and egg dishes, particularly deviled eggs, and in eggs Benedict variations. 


You can use hot smoked salmon differently since it's cooked conventionally rather than cured and cold-smoked. It works perfectly as the base for a dip or a spread, or as the starring protein in a leafy green salad or pasta. You can also use it for a salmon salad, turn it into fish cakes, or flake it on rice bowls. Or just eat it as-is for a high protein snack.

No matter which version of smoked salmon you get, you can't go wrong — that smoky flavor is unique, and will elevate the flavor profile of whatever you're preparing. Just make sure you use it up within a week, but with any luck, you won't have a problem doing that at all.

