What Do You Eat When Nobody's Watching?
Slate writer Julia Craven started the conversation about the "most unholy" work-from-home snacks.
This morning, the Takeout team Slack channel was abuzz with two topics: foods that come to mind when you think of the word "barf," and a recent Slate article from writer Julia Craven. The article centers on humankind's "weirdest, grossest, most delicious snack fantasies" that have emerged over the last 18 months as many of us have "shaken off the office kitchen shackles" and developed our own work-from-home idiosyncrasies.
Before writing the article, Craven asked her Twitter followers for their own WFH snack creations.
I'm writing about the snacks people have invented while working from home during covid. Please reply to this tweet with things you've fashioned while you were "tuned in" to a meeting. (And please share the weird/gross combos too.)
— rocket juju🚀 (@juliacraven) September 15, 2021
Nachos were a popular choice, perhaps unsurprisingly because nachos are a perfect food. But, per the replies to Craven's tweet, people are also doing a lot of unorthodox dipping; dipping Dots candy in Nutella, dipping white cheddar into Nutella, and dipping Hot Cheetos in spinach dip.
Of course, some of Craven's followers suggested more complex concoctions. One user recommended a snack that I, myself, already indulge in: plain pancakes, no sugar, with hot sauce. (Sometimes I'll throw an egg on there. It's wonderful.) In the dessert realm, another user recommended the following:
"I don't have a name for it but:
1. Pretzel crisps layered on the bottom of a bowl salt side down (important)
2. Pudding on top of the pretzel crisps, my preference is chocolate flavored
3. As much whipped cream on top as your heart desires and stomach can handle."
Yes. Yes! Very good. In the spirit of liberated snacking, I need you to do a few things for me. First, I need you to go ahead and follow Craven on Twitter to check out more snack inventions. Next, I need you to tell me: what are you eating when no one's watching? Do you have unholy WFH snack creations of your very own? There's no shame here; as I write this, I'm already thinking about the ketchup toast I'll consume this afternoon. Join me in letting your freaky snack flags fly, friends.