The $2 Wendy's Frosty Tag Is Such A Great Deal Frankly We're A Bit Flummoxed

We've read and reread this offer, just to make sure we're getting it correctly. Some of us are sleep-deprived, and some of us are prone to optimistic thinking, and the combination can be a heady one. But on review, we're forced to conclude that it is what it seems: A $2 tag for your keychain gets you one free Jr. Frosty with each Wendy's purchase, for an entire year.

In case you, like us, were distracted by the little dancing Frosty tag above, or alternately, were caught off guard by the awkward (though thematically sound) movie plug, let us restate the facts, baldly.

  • The Wendy's Frosty tag costs $2.
  • It benefits the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption.
  • You put it on your keys.
  • You show it at Wendy's when you're buying Wendy's in 2019.
  • It gets you a free junior-sized chocolate or vanilla Frosty.
  • Every time.
  • Until December 31, 2019.
  • Every.
  • Time.
  • Go see @InstantFamily in theat—sorry, got distracted there.
  • We've reached out to Wendy's to confirm which locations of the chain are offering the tag for sale, and will update when we hear back. But they're available now through December 31, 2018, both in those select locations and online (although beware, there's a whopping $1 delivery fee).

    It's not the first year Wendy's has done this. The tags have been available since 2010, and last year, the promotion raised $6 million for the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption. This year, the company hopes to push that number to $10 million.

    Corporations aren't saintly, but let's put it this way: If the Wendy's Twitter account is the most overtly dickish thing about the company (with the smug live-action Wendy a solid second place), then the Frosty tags are the least overtly dickish thing about Wendy's.
