Perhaps You'd Like Your Pizza Topped With A Murder Mystery?

A pandemic is not the time to think inside the box. That's as true for anyone bored and cooped up at home as it is for the lawmakers trying to fix the economy—and most of all, it's true of small business owners trying to make it through this thing. Enter: Vampire Pizza. It's a Los Angeles–based pizza delivery + a monster mystery game, delivered right to your doorstep (or available for contactless pickup). It comes from the folks at Ghost Kitchen Pizza, who, like all of us, are trying to figure out how to have fun and stay sane and maybe even make a little money along the way.

Here's how Vampire Pizza works: players can order dinner and game kits for two people ($33/person) or four people ($28/per person). If you've got more people than that who want to play together, you're doing isolation wrong. The kits include an immersive story, a (PG-13) mystery game, and, duh, pizza. The pizzas come from the mysterious Belle's, the vampiric alter ego of Ghost Kitchen. It's only happening this weekend, April 9-12, and limited reservation space is available. So, bored and blood-sucking Angelenos, book your Vampire Pizza delivery now. A portion of the proceeds go to a GoFundMe for laid off/furloughed artists, a descriptor for many of the people who worked on Vampire Pizza.

Would you be into a two-person, True Blood–lite murder mystery party under normal circumstances? No judgment, but I'm gonna guess no. But your Netflix queue is starting to look a little bleak, I know it is, and bored times call for dorky measures. And, come on. What better way to celebrate Easter weekend than as a creature who dies, hangs out in a cave for a while, thwarts mortality, rises again, lives eternally, then recruits others to drink blood every Sunday?
