The Twitter CEO Diet: Just Don't Eat For A Few Days

What fuels Jack Dorsey? Sunlight? Wind? The gentle glow of a smartphone screen? It doesn't seem to be food, as Dorsey recently told the Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast he eats one meal a day, and sometimes doesn't consume anything but water for three days. GQ latched on to this especially eyebrow-raising explanation from Dorsey: "The first time I did it, like day three, I felt like I was hallucinating. It was a weird state to be in. But as I did it the next two times, it just became so apparent to me how much of our days are centered around meals and how—the experience I had was when I was fasting for much longer, how time really slowed down."

None of us—myself included—should generally feel in a position to comment on or criticize what and how other people eat. Some people prefer small snacks to big meals; some might not feel hungry until noon; some want one indulgent meal offset by smaller, healthier ones. You do you! But Dorsey's diet seems plainly insufficient, from a straight-up biological perspective. That one meal he eats on weekdays? It's typically "a protein, green vegetables, and dark chocolate or berries for dessert." Man, where are your carbs? Get some long-grain rice in there. Maybe try a slice of bread. And don't forget dairy, my favorite of all food groups.

Again, I don't want to shame anyone's version of a "healthy" diet, just raise the question of whether this very public figure's purportedly "focused" state when he hasn't eaten in two days is advisable. Oh, and here's the 10-foot pole with which I refuse to touch the question of whether Dorsey has an eating disorder. If you want to debate that, is the place for you.
