All's Well That Ends Well For Alberta The Chicken

Who doesn't love a nice, happy animal story to distract from the fact that we're all about to be chowin' down on a bunch of turkeys tomorrow? Moment of silence, please. This story from The Sussex Countian tells the tale of a lone chicken picked up by animal control and given a chance to live a life of peace and comfort until the end of her days. The chicken, Alberta (named by the animal control officer, aww), was discovered under a set of mailboxes by an apartment complex in Salisbury, Maryland.

"She could very well be the type of chicken you see on a chicken truck," said Emily Cyrus from the Humane Society of Wicomico County in Salisbury. "Probably some kind of Cobb or something like that, just your basic meat chicken." Heh. Meat chicken. Turns out Cyrus had a soft spot for little Alberta. As Cyrus had already been working on a chicken coop at home, she volunteered to take in the little affectionate chicken and adopt it.

"I think it's possible someone had found her and kept her in their apartment because she doesn't seem used to the grass and she just wants to be held all the time," she said.

I didn't know chickens liked being held, did you? Move aside, Nugget (our cat, who also likes to be held). I'll be holding Alberta during our weekly Zoom calls now. Alberta's coop-mates and new pals are named Chocolate, Pokey, and Goldie Hen. There's also two dogs, four cats, and a bearded dragon that are part of the family. But don't worry, Alberta and the chicken family all live in their own little coop away from the rest of the menagerie. Considering it's presidential poultry pardoning season, it's nice to know that Alberta is in fine hands, happily pecking away.
