Since Everyone Is Going Vegan, Why Not Starbucks?

Starbucks knows a thing or two about good timing, and it seems to understand that January is a time of culinary experimentation for us all. For some, that means cutting back on the indulgences of the holidays. For others, it might mean doing Whole30 or Veganuary. On that last front, Starbucks has you covered better than ever: it's just added three new vegan signature drinks to the menu.


Nation's Restaurant News reports that, starting today, customers can order the new Almondmilk Honey Flat White, Coconutmilk Latte, and (only in the Midwest for now) Oatmilk Honey Latte. Vegan customers have had the ability to customize their drinks for years with multiple non-dairy milk options, but now on the permanent menu, these beverages will require no special requests for substitution.

The Oatmilk Honey Latte will eventually be more widely available, once Starbucks rolls out Oatmilk at more locations nationwide. In the meantime, the those who are not vegan might also consider the wide array of Starbucks drinks made with milk.

