Queer Eye Guys Weigh In On Key Issue Of Dessert Hummus
Last night, the irresistible Queer Eye charm offensive continued, with eight out of the total 10 queer eyes (minus the two belonging to Karamo Brown) visited The Late Show With Stephen Colbert to talk about beards, sequins, Michelle Kwan, crying on camera, and how Tan's hair stands up like that. (It's natural, apparently.) Perhaps Colbert, like the entire staff of The Takeout, simply cannot get enough of these gents, because he opted to use part of his time with the Fab Four to get as many answers as he possibly could out of them, in a game he called Fab Or Drab (skip to around :52 if you want to get straight to the fabs and drabs and bypass the lovely chat about why they call their makeover subjects heroes).
One of the topics on which they stood in judgment: chocolate hummus.
Unsurprisingly, chocolate hummus gets a drab from everyone, but here is Antoni's exact response:
"DRAB drab drab drab drab drab drab drab drab! No! Makes me uncomfortable!"
While we're not sold on the dessert hummus concept either, we'd never go so far as to say it makes us uncomfortable. Maybe it's a texture thing? Perhaps he only likes dips made from avocados?
Other food-related responses included things like cat cafés (verdict: mostly positive, "if the cats are being treated really well," per Jonathan Van Ness), and splitting the check on a first date, the responses to which can best be summarized in this screenshot:

Watch the full segment above, and if you're as charmed as we are, feel free to watch the first half of their talk with Colbert, in which they explain the concept of thirst traps, below. It pairs nicely with a cup of tomato juice and lemonade (our verdict: surprisingly fab!)