Piers Morgan And Vegan Sausage Roll In 2019's First Insufferable Twitter Squabble

Piers Morgan likes to rail against "snowflakes" a lot. As the British TV personality's pinned Happy New Year tweet puts it, "Zero apologies in advance to all whiny PC-crazed snowflake imbeciles who will be horrifically offended by absolutely everything I say or write." Noted!

But it seems that the man himself is a bit sensitive about certain subjects. Vegan sausage rolls, say.

As the Huffington Post reports, Greggs, the maker of said vegan sausage roll, was quick to respond:

Leading to an extremely tiresome back-and-forth between Piers Morgan and a variety of vegans, containing a slew of derogatory remarks from Piers featuring his scathing opinions on their life choices. Also, he maintains that vegans are hypocrites because bugs die during breadmaking production, and vegans eat bread.

With special appearances from guests like McDonald's UK!

But as Piers himself points out, perhaps this particular idiotic feud has two winners:
