Our Favorite Award-Eligible Stories From The Takeout This Week

The internet operates on hyperspeed—as fast as it takes for your thumb to flick up your phone screen. It means you may have missed some of The Takeout's award-eligible food and beverage writing. Fear not! We've rounded up some of our proudest pieces of writing from this past week.

Our Kate Bernot, reporting from Great American Beer Festival in Denver last week, tells us about the trends you'll likely see from the beer world in the coming year.

How does the dining experience differ when your sense of sight is not a factor? We find out at a Paris restaurant where dinner is served in pitch darkness.

A story about moving, growing, and changing.

You buy that bottle of creme de cassis or triple sec for that one specific cocktail you like. Surely it's good in other applications, right? Right.

Peanut butter-and-mayo sandwiches has been a Southern tradition for decades. Gwen Ihnat, a PB&M neophyte, taste tests it and finds there's a lot to like.

Our Kate Bernot offers five tips that'll help you become a more informed beer drinker.

Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? We test this theory out with pepperoni pizza.

There may not be a dish this fall with a higher deliciousness-to-effort ratio.

Something you may have thought of but was too afraid to ask: Why do chefs leave the tail on shrimp in pasta dishes?

We're deep into candy corn season. Is it great or awful? Our staff writers offer three arguments each to bolster their case.

On watching Crazy Rich Asians through the prism of a crazy middle-class Asian.
