Orrin Hatch Brought Up Brett Kavanaugh's Ketchup-On-Pasta Habit In A Senate Confirmation Hearing

Today marks the second day of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee for his Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Both days have been marked by protests. This is not a news item about those protests, or about Merrick Garland, or about Presidents responding to subpoenas. This is a news item about Brett Kavanaugh, Orrin Hatch, and putting ketchup on pasta.

Arthi Subramaniam of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), said the following during Tuesday's hearing:

"You're the sort of person many of us would like to have as a friend and a colleague." He then added, "You also apparently like to eat pasta with ketchup, but nobody's perfect."

This is now a part of our national history.

Subramaniam directs our attention to a July report from the Yale Daily News, in which a former roommate recollects that President Trump's nominee for the highest court in the land used to put ketchup on top of his pasta. He also eschewed all pizza toppings, save cheese and the occasional pepperoni slice.

"When he had spaghetti sauce, it was ragu—he didn't want anything spicier than that," the roommate, Steve Hartmann, told the Daily News.

Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing, and the related protests, continues today.
