Millennials On Track To Become The Fattest Generation In The U.K.

This news is a bit surprising, since millennials appear to be known for healthier food choices (don't make us say it) and more outdoorsy, less workaholic-based downtime habits. But perhaps prepackaged food and all that online time is taking its toll. The BBC reports today on a new study by Cancer Research U.K. that revealed the disturbing news that the U.K.'s younger generation is on track to becoming even more overweight than baby boomers.

Unfortunately, the report doesn't offer any suggestions for this development, just the unfortunate stat that it is, in fact, happening: "Based on population trends, more than seven in every 10 people born between the early 1980s and mid-90s will be too fat by the time they reach middle age. In comparison, about half of the 'baby boomer' generation, born just after World War II, were fat at that age."

The other U.K. generations aren't exactly healthy in comparison: The BBC notes that "Britain is the most obese nation in Western Europe, with rates rising faster than in any other developed nation. Obesity prevalence has been increasing in the UK, from 15 percent in 1993 to 27 percent in 2015."

The Independent at least offers one possible scenario, from Tam Fry, chair of the National Obesity Forum, who "said the current Conservative Government, and its predecessor in the 1990s when the millennial generation was born, had failed to act on healthy eating." So there may be a lot of talk about healthy eating habits, but fewer people actually doing it. But, all is not lost, which is the purpose for the release of this study: Millennials still have time to reverse this damaging trend. Cancer Research U.K. spokesperson Linda Bauld stated, "While these estimates sound bleak, we can stop them becoming a reality. Millennials are known for following seemingly healthy food trends, but nothing beats a balanced diet."
