McDonald's To Test More International Menu Items From Japan, Mexico

Earlier this summer, McDonald's revealed the first four items of its new Worldwide Favorites menu to U.S. diners hungry for something a little different. While it's still too early to gauge the success of the new offerings, they're clearly doing well enough for the company to fast-track testing on four more potential additions, which could go nationwide by next year if they prove successful.

Based on documents viewed by Business Insider, McDonald's plans to test the new quartet of items in "... slightly fewer than 100 stores in the Connecticut area" beginning in August. The latest hot prospects on the McDonald's scene will be:

  • Savory Ranch Burger (Mexico)
  • Grand Premium Chicken Sandwich (France)
  • McChicken McMuffin (Japan)
  • Caramel Brownie McFlurry (Canada)
  • As mentioned, the new options "... could go national in the U.S. next summer." Much like the first wave of new sandwiches, the Worldwide Favorites are meant to command attention (at a slight price increase, on average) from McDonald's regulars looking to shake things up. To that end, we're most intrigued at a glance by the McChicken McMuffin; while the dollar-menu chicken sandwich has been a staple of the Golden Arches for years, an all-day breakfast chicken sandwich has rarely made it past limited-time offerings.

    While The Takeout definitely preferred some Worldwide Favorites over others, it's a smart way for the company to shake up its classic menu without fully engaging in any kind of brand-diluting trend chasing. Plus, who isn't into a brownie McFlurry, aside from whoever has to clean all of those machines?
