Man Credits Taco With Saving His Life After Car Gets Shot

On a road bordering the desert in Tucson, Arizona, a man's car was shot at several times, and he says he has a taco to thank for his safety. KOLD News13 reports that Ryan Bishop was driving on Houghton Road earlier this week, eating a taco behind the wheel, when his driver's side window was shattered by a bullet. Several more shots were fired in the direction of the car, and when Bishop pulled over to call the police and inspect the damage, he saw the bullet sitting on his dashboard.

The bullet, it turns out, had entered the car at exactly the point where Bishop usually rolls down the window to rest his arm. But because he was eating a taco at the time, his arm was fully inside the car, and his window was rolled up to prevent the wind from spilling his food. "I'm pretty sure [eating a] taco saved my life, or at least stopped my arm from getting blown apart," Bishop told KOLD. (This wouldn't be the first time tacos have saved lives, mind you.)

The gunshots appear to have been aimless, as the police are treating this case as "criminal damage/malicious mischief." Bishop hopes both he and his miracle taco serve as a lesson to those using firearms carelessly; as he said to KOLD, "Maybe they will think a little bit harder before they go out into the desert, close to very publicly used roads [to shoot]."
