Last Call: The Only Good Brand Twitter Account

It's shocking, I know, but it exists.

We've done a lot of writing recently about those rascally rascals behind brand Twitter accounts and their scampish antics.

But I am here to tell you there is one good brand Twitter account. It may be the only purely good brand Twitter account. My love for it is true. It is a regular source of, at worst, a smile, and at best, a ridiculous, high-pitched giggle.

Meet the SparkNotes Twitter account, which posts literary memes and nothing else. Even when it's announcing something else, like a site outage, it's still literary memes. Here's one from today:

Earlier this week:

This one seems like it was written for Kate Bernot and I to send back and forth to each other through Slack forever:

This one got the aforementioned high-pitched giggle:

Another Cher one:


They dust off this old format with some frequency:

And then there are a bunch of Pride And Prejudice entries, and I love them all equally. There is perhaps no subject about which I will more regularly laugh than Mr. Darcy.

And one Wickham one, because fuck that guy:

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a brand account sucks unless it is refunding your pizza or posting Jane Austen jokes. Have a great weekend!
