Last Call: Stupid Beavers And 2017 News Bloopers

Stupid beavers

Beavers are giant pains in the asses. I mean, they're cute and they have their places in ecosystems and blah blah blah, but they can also be a major nuisance. The latest in beaver bad behavior? According to this piece in The New York Times, they're gentrifying Alaska with their dams and Whole Foods and Montessori schools. Hey beavers, humans are messing up the planet badly enough; we don't need your assistance. [Kate Bernot]

2017 news bloopers

Live television means screw-ups are inevitable, and this compilation of local news bloopers from 2017 is worth repeated viewing. For the record, I'm beginning the process to become legal guardian to the "Wouldn't you like to know, Weather Boy" kid at 4:33. [Kevin Pang]
