Last Call: Have You Ever Eaten In A Haunted Restaurant?

It's the spooky season, and everyone knows that there's no spookier region of the U.S. than New England. Just ask a Bostonian. Boston, as you know, is near Salem, site of the infamous 1692 witch trials, which should have eradicated witchcraft and spookiness from this continent forever but instead, hundreds of years later, spawned a cottage industry of witchcraft and spookiness. It's funny how that works.

Anyway, since everything in New England is old, there are lots of ghosts, which are also spooky. They haunt old houses and inns and even restaurants. And so Boston magazine has compiled a list of the six most haunted restaurants in and around the city. (We know that eating in restaurants is a rather fraught issue right now. But these restaurants will still be haunted when the pandemic is over.) Some of them have wonderful stories about how they came to be haunted: Rockafellas in Salem, for instance, has a large population of ghosts, including a minister and a woman in a blue dress, who were either murdered in smuggler tunnels beneath the building or died mysteriously in the vault when it was still a bank. And the ghost of Bridget Bishop, the first witch executed during the Salem trials, is said to hang out in the dining room of Turner's Seafood; you can tell she's nearby because she smells like apples.

We're sure the world is full of haunted restaurants—and we're not just talking about this Italian joint near Detroit that uses ghosts to fill the tables for social distancing. Please tell us about them, and if you, personally, were haunted while you tried to eat your dinner.
