Kanye's Donda Listening Party Featured $40 Hot Dogs

Twitter users were sharing photos of the concessions menu, which also included $50 chicken tenders.

Last Thursday Kanye West held a sold-out listening party for his new album Donda at Atlanta's 71,000-seat Mercedes-Benz Stadium. In perfect Kanye fashion, he showed up two hours late, didn't actually release the album on its scheduled release date, and is apparently now living inside the stadium, Phantom-of-the-Opera-style. Please remember that this event could have easily featured Kanye performing in a whimsical food-related costume or breaking out into a reflective soliloquy about his admiration for Donald Trump, so all things considered, the Donda party was one of the less tumultuous Kanye events in recent history.

Perhaps the most outrageous aspect of Kanye's release party was the concessions menu, which included, as photos posted on Twitter by attendees of the event confirmed, a $40 hot dog. We'll say that again: a $40 hot dog. The hot dog was all-beef and kosher, but did not seem to include any sort of toppings that would make it worth the hefty price tag, like fancy ketchup or 14-karat gold mustard. Normally hot dogs at Mercedes-Benz Stadium cost $1.50, but those hot dogs were not exposed to air that may have possibly passed through Kanye's lungs, so, really, you get what you pay for.

For the people who found a $40 hot dog a bit too difficult to stomach, there were other fine snack options available to enjoy while sitting idly in a sold-out stadium waiting for Kanye to take the stage. According to the aforementioned photos of the menu, a whole basket of crispy chicken tenders cost $50 and a snack basket full of chips, beef jerky, and unspecified "bars" could be enjoyed for just $65. After enjoying a fine dinner of processed meat products, attendees could finish their evening with a $45 plate of cookies and brownies, which was specified on the menu as "vegetarian." Again, this was a Kanye event, so if a $40 hot dog is as batshit as things got, everyone involved deserves a massive pat on the back.
