Last Call: What Is The Mmmmm! Peach Mint? You Tell Us, And We'll Make It For You

Maybe the events of today won't amount to anything in the grand scheme of American history. Maybe in another few years, it will amount to a blip, like the War of Jenkins's Ear, or one of the many congressional skirmishes that even the most dedicated historians don't remember.

But for today, we spent the day riveted to Joseph Maguire's testimony, Trump and Rudy Giuliani's meltdowns, the revelations in the whistleblower's report, and all the assorted commentary, both in legacy news sources and on Twitter. We also learned that while CNN had no commercials all morning, Fox ran an ad for an alternative pain medication that featured Sebastian Gorka as its spokesman.

Late in the afternoon, we started to get a little woozy. Allison began thinking inventing a recipe that incorporated peaches and mints. Naturally, I said, we would have to call this concoction Mmmmm! Peach Mint. But what should it be? Dear readers, you tell us, and Allison will make it for you, and then share the recipe, because she is an evil genius.

Finally, for your enjoyment, some food commentary from Fox & Friends.
