Last Call: How Many Eggs Is Too Many?

Eggs are my favorite protein source: quick, easy, cheap and delicious. They can be eaten morning, noon and night, seamlessly able to transition between lowbrow and highbrow. Eggs don't have the inflexibility of something like a fine ribeye, which should be cooked to a perfect medium-rare on special occasions, or a package of fake crab, which should be eaten at midnight in your underpants. Eggs can be whatever you want, however you want, whenever you need them. But that raises a question that has me stumped: What's an appropriate cutoff point? Perception is everything with eggs. I see no issue with whipping up a three-egg omelet when I'm famished, but three hardboiled eggs would be too much in one sitting. If I turned those hardboiled eggs into egg salad, I could have four or five on a sandwich and wouldn't think twice about it; if I transformed them into deviled eggs I could easily down at least half a dozen. If I grab seconds of my cleaning-out-the-fridge dinner fritatta, I'm probably eating eight to 10 eggs. That sounds like far too many eggs, but since it has vegetables and it's dinner then maybe it's okay? You guys tell me: Does the limit even exist?
