High School Kids Apologize For Freakin' Awesome Food Fight That Trashed A Whataburger

Believe me, when I was in high school, about once a week someone would stand up in the cafeteria and yell, "Food fight!", but they never took off. Such was not the case at a Whataburger in Texas last Friday, when students from competing high schools Clear Lake and Clear Brook (what?) started throwing food and drinks at each other, effectively trashing the fast-food restaurant. 2018 being 2018, naturally, the event was all caught on video. Although a witness said that only about 30 students in the over 100 in attendance participated in the food-related battle, the chaos is significant, undoubtedly resulting in a complete pain in the ass to clean up for the unfortunate Whataburger staff.

Now, it appears at least one of the schools is remorseful, as ABC13 News in Houston reports that "Clear Brook High School is issuing a special apology gift and letter to Whataburger after students engaged in a food fight at the establishment." Students are collecting items to put in a goody basket, and some are penning letters of apology. Hey, maybe pitch in on a few closing shifts for free?

CBHS principal Michele Stanley opined, "Everyone makes mistakes, but it's how we react to those mistakes and learn from them that really matters... We are Clear Brook and I hope we've learned to make better choices in the future." Not exactly "clear eyes, full hearts," but it's a start. Your move, Clear Lake.
