All Hail The "Giant Sicilian," The World's Largest Deliverable Pizza

Big Mama's And Papa's Pizzeria is much like any other regional pizza chain, sporting several locations in southern California. This one stands out, though by one special distinction, only available at its Northridge location: It boasts the world's largest deliverable pizza.

That's "deliverable," as in if you have $300 and 24-hours notice, and are in the Northridge delivery area, you can get a 54" x 54" pizza delivered to your home or workplace, if it can fit through the door. This Food Insider video shows how Big Mama's pulls this off: with 20 pounds of dough, five pounds of cheese, and three pounds of pepperoni, if that is your topping of choice. The resulting nearly 6-foot-square pizza is then cut into 200 pieces, enough to feed 50 to 70 people, who hopefully prefer middle pieces over crust-side.

The "Great Sicilian" pizza is obviously too big for thin crust to be much of an option, so the crust looks like it has a little heft as it gets placed in a giant box. The pizzeria delivery car even has a specially sized box on top of it to transport this special pizza, which has to be the most delightful add imaginable to an office party. The funniest part of the video is the people working in the background, seemingly oblivious to the wonderment taking place only a few feet away: the world's largest deliverable pizza.

