Empty On The Inside: Trump Jr.'s Chocolate Rabbit Interview Gets Memed
The election yesterday between Republican Rick Saccone and Democrat Conor Lamb for Pennsylvania's District 18 was extremely close, even for a longtime-red district. Before the election, to help court voters, Donald Trump not only visited coal country for a rather unhinged rally, he sent his son Donald Trump Jr. to tour local businesses with Saccone.
One of the stops they made was to the Sarris Chocolate factory in Canonsburg. There a peculiarly angled Pittsburgh Post-Gazette photo immediately became ripe for meme-ing on Twitter and elsewhere:
This is the danger of campaigning at a candy factory. #PA18 pic.twitter.com/omssQlvAF1
— Andrew Rush (@andrewrush) March 12, 2018
In the end, except for a funny photo, the visit was for naught. It looks like Lamb pulled off a surprise upset in the election, winning by under a thousand votes (although we wouldn't be surprised if a recount is imminent). And Trump Jr. had a pretty good response to his recent meme-ification:
The chocolate rabbit gave a hard hitting interview and was delicious afterwards. https://t.co/OGiBFNEIc5
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 12, 2018