Doja Cat Will Never Stop Fighting For The Taco Bell Mexican Pizza

Could the dearly departed menu item make its return thanks to Doja Cat?

If you don't already follow rapper/singer/songwriter Doja Cat on Twitter, now is the time to change that. She's a fascinating Twitter follow, if only for her habit of dropping blunt but universal truths like "i dance like an idiot at the club" and "fuck this app" (the latter referring, of course, to Twitter itself, a sentiment to which all Twitter users can relate). She has 3.5 million Twitter followers—that is to say, 1.6 million more followers than Taco Bell. So when Doja Cat has menu suggestions, the fast food chain better listen up.

"I want my fuckin mexican pizza back @tacobell why u quiet," tweeted Doja Cat on Monday, tagging Taco Bell to make her thunderous displeasure known to the chain.

For those of you who have somehow managed to live in blissful ignorance of Taco Bell's 2020 menu massacre, the beloved Mexican Pizza got the axe last September in the name of menu streamlining, and fans have been upset about it ever since. Clearly, Doja Cat is one of those fans.

The tweet has 44,000 likes and counting, plus thousands of retweets, and fans of the singer were quick to identify with her frustration. "It was literally the only item I would eat at Taco Hell," one Twitter user wrote. "I haven't been to Taco Bell since this tragedy," replied another. Some replies even pointed out that Doja Cat's misery over the loss of the Mexican Pizza has been a running theme for the past year, with at least one TikTok video demonstrating her grief as well.

Seeing the uproar, the Taco Bell Twitter account dutifully took some notes:

...But who knows if anything will come of it. In the meantime, Doja Cat remains undeterred, reflecting our collective exasperation with mounting ire. Just bring back the Mexican Pizza like you brought back your potatoes, Taco Bell! You can end all this madness whenever you want!

Maybe Taco Bell really is taking notes. After all, it has never fully removed the Mexican Pizza page from its menu, as if to confirm that we all ought to hold out hope for its triumphant return. Until then, we're all but guaranteed some more highly relatable tweets from Doja Cat.

