This "Chocolate Burger" Is A Valentine's Day Head-Scratcher

Popular fast food chain Lotteria is releasing an unusual sandwich in Japan.

Lotteria is a popular Japanese fast food chain with locations in Eastern and Southeast Asia. When I went to South Korea as a kid, I visited Lotteria once, and I remember really loving it (though this was like 25 years ago, ouch). Japan Today reports that Lotteria is releasing a special limited-time-only novelty for Valentine's Day, and it's definitely something you won't see in America anytime soon.

The new product is a sandwich, one that Lotteria is calling the Chocolate Burger. Receiving one is a little bit difficult, however, because there are some hoops you have to jump through to get one. First of all, the burger is only available at three locations, and there are only 214 of them at each shop. Each interested customer will need to be following Lotteria Japan's Twitter account to retweet the tweet containing the promo. Then they'll have to show an employee, who will check for the retweet, and finally hand off the burger.

But the thing is, the sandwich is not assembled for you. It's just a kit with a hamburger bun and a chocolate bar. The concoction is dubbed "Valentine Ghana Lotte Ghana Chocolate Burger."

Ghana is the brand of chocolate bar being used in the sandwich (made by Lotte Confectionery, a South Korean brand); I bought one a while back from the Korean grocery store near me, and I have to say, it's pretty good. There are no bells and whistles, it's just a regular ol' chocolate bar. I think this is a pretty entertaining way to get customers to tweet about you on social media, however. If the "burgers" sell out at all three locations, that's 642 tweets out in the ether promoting Lotteria, not to mention people retweeting it of their own accord.

While personally I think the burger could use a little something else, even a swipe of butter, I still think the idea is kind of cute. A little gift on Valentine's Day never hurts, and chocolate is one you can eat.

How would you improve upon the Chocolate Burger?
