What Does It Mean When Yogurt Has 'Live And Active Cultures'?
Many different types of yogurt contain live and active cultures, but what does that really mean? Here's what they are and why they're important.
Read MoreMany different types of yogurt contain live and active cultures, but what does that really mean? Here's what they are and why they're important.
Read MoreBeans are a great way to thicken out a chili, but which kind should you choose. We explore the difference between chili beans and kidney beans.
Read MoreIf you love seafood, you've probably heard the phrase 'wild-caught fish.' So, what does this term actually mean and how does it compare to farm-raised fish?
Read MoreMini tomatoes are sweet, succulent, and delicious to snack on. So, when it comes to cherry vs grape tomatoes, is there really a difference between the two?
Read MoreSalmon is delicious and packed with nutrients. But, before you head to the store, do you know the difference between wild-caught and farm-raised salmon?
Read MoreGiven that star anise is a beautiful, punchy spice, you’d be forgiven for wanting to shove a whole pod in your mouth. But are these pods actually edible?
Read MoreGrating chocolate is a great way to elevate desserts, but it can often melt and create a mess. There's one easy way to stop this happening.
Read MoreNear-empty peanut butter jars have many uses but this hack for making this for your salad will have you wishing you knew of it sooner.
Read MoreRed dye No. 3, it's over, you're blocked, thank you, next. Here's how to leverage the rainbow and make your own food coloring at home from scratch.
Read MoreThe busiest Trader Joe's store has three times as many check stands and crew members than the average Trader Joe's location, two-stories, and an elevator.
Read MoreUsing pre-shredded carrots for a carrot cake is the same as using fresh vegetables, right? Not at all. Read a baking expert's reasons why here.
Read MoreIt's a question that has perplexed Chinese-American takeout fans for decades: Exactly how much duck is in duck sauce? The answer is finally revealed.
Read MoreConnoisseurs of canned cuisine have long wondered whether there was actually any difference between name brand canned goods and their store brand counterparts.
Read MoreThere's more to Spam than you might think. These are some common Spam myths we all really need to stop believing, because they are just not true.
Read MoreMiso soup seems like it would be totally gluten-free but is it really? Here's everything you need to know about the gluten content of miso paste.
Read MoreThe fascinating history of how the Green Goddess salad dressing was named actually had nothing to do with the ingredients or the color.
Read MoreAlthough considered shelf-stable and not overly sensitive to room-temperature, long-term freshness of homemade beef jerky still requires proper storage.
Read MoreNo matter what kind, olive oil lasts longer the less it is exposed to light and oxygen, and this particular packaging is the best when buying in bulk.
Read MoreHershey's is one of the most recognizable chocolate brands in the United States -- but many Europeans are not such big fans. Why is that the case?
Read MoreA simple sprinkle of this item will boost flavor and balance acidity, making out-of-season tomatoes taste like they've been freshly picked off the vine.
Read MoreAre purple Brussels just a con to get you to buy more veg? Leveraging the trend, here's why purple Brussels give green Brussels a run for their money.
Read MoreIs your blood type chicken tikka masala? We love Indian cooking thanks in part to this ancient spice that made money moves and then vanished forever.
Read MoreYou love mint, but you know something's up with peppermint and spearmint. Here's where the two mints go their separate ways and why they're so delicious.
Read MoreEating sweetened condensed milk straight from the can - a delicious indulgence or just plain disgusting? We settle that debate once and for all.
Read MoreMaraschino cherries don't really look like they came straight off of a tree, so how exactly do regular cherries become that brilliant shade of fluorescent red?
Read MoreA popular nutrition trend claims that chewing on celery will burn calories, not gain them. But is it true? We have the full celery story here.
Read MoreSometimes Ina Garten insists that store-bought is fine but not with this product. Here's the canned good that she absolutely refuses to buy.
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