Give Your Salsa The East Texas Treatment With One Squeezable Addition
At most Mexican restaurants, you'll be served a few different salsas with your chips. But in East Texas, you might also be served a side of butter.
Read MoreAt most Mexican restaurants, you'll be served a few different salsas with your chips. But in East Texas, you might also be served a side of butter.
Read MoreCarolina Gold rice isn't just any kind of rice, but what makes it so special? The answer will take us all the way back to before the American Revolution.
Read MoreOf course, it's inevitable that some fun and tasty candies will get discontinued at some point ... but we can still pine for their return.
Read MoreJust before being gunned down by law enforcement after the biggest manhunt of its time, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow stopped at a café in Louisiana for lunch.
Read MoreThe famous (and not so secret) Animal Style burger is an In-N-Out favorite, but where did its unique moniker come from? We have the surprising answer!
Read MoreMärzen is an Oktoberfest classic, but this season, why not don your lederhosen, smash your steins, and drink the original Oktoberfest beer - a dunkel?
Read MoreThe history of the hot dog and its bun, a quintessentially American dish, is still debated today. We're here to try to separate fact from fiction.
Read MoreBefore edible cones, ice cream was served another way. But sweet treats long preceded germ theory, so no one blushed at this, frankly, gross serving method.
Read MoreCracker Barrel's name has a forgotten origin. Let's explore the folksy story behind it and how the restaurant captures the spirit of yesteryear.
Read MoreThe tradition of carving Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween is rooted in Celtic folklore, although the original Jack-O-Lanterns weren't made with pumpkins.
Read MoreSee which company has produced the bulk of the world's fortune cookies for five decades. And despite the name, they aren't supposed to foretell anything.
Read MoreSee which luxurious-looking but surprisingly simple to make dessert Queen Elizabeth II regularly requested for private and public occasions.
Read MoreOysters Rockefeller certainly have a recognizable name, but was the title of this dish meant to refer to the legendary rich man, John D. Rockefeller?
Read MoreLutefisk has a long cultural history in Scandinavia, and that tradition was passed down for generations, bolstering its popularity in these American states.
Read MoreWhen it comes to delicious Japanese treats, mochi and dango are some of the most popular, and while they are similar, there are distinct differences.
Read MoreThe round tables in Chinese restaurants have a long history. They've been a part of Chinese culture for centuries, dating back to the Qing dynasty.
Read MoreChiptole was founded in 1993 in Denver, Colorado. It has since expanded all across the United States and beyond. Here's how many countries have a location.
Read MoreFrom the sauce and the noodles to how these popular Chinese dishes are prepared, these are the key differences between chow mein and lo mein.
Read MoreIf you're not from the South, you've probably never thought to combine pineapple and mayonnaise – but don't knock it until you try it.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if there's an actual difference between a hot dog and a frankfurter? We break down the truth behind these delicious sausages.
Read MoreThe size of tuna cans may be the result of a combination of historical factors, consumer preferences, industrial considerations, and shrinkflation.
Read MoreSpumoni and Neapolitan ice cream have many similarities. But there are a few key differences that make the two desserts their own unique experience.
Read MoreBeer in the Middle Ages contained one particularly concerning ingredient, which could cause strange behavior, addled mental states, and even hallucinations.
Read MoreWhite bread may seem odd among juicy brisket, hand-pulled pork, and scratch-made side dishes. But, as with all things barbecue, it's rooted in tradition.
Read MoreIf you're wondering what happened to a former favorite beer of yours, it might just be one of these once-popular beers that have been discontinued.
Read MoreDespite its fame in the British Isles, there's no verifiable explanation for how beans on toast came to be or why it's so beloved and widely known.
Read MoreNearly all canned food nowadays comes in a ribbed tin. This seemingly minor shape actually makes a major difference in structure and food safety. Here's how.
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