Cat Lovers, Check The Chow: There's A Meow Mix Recall

Cat people report in! Do you feed your little furry companions Meow Mix? There's a voluntary recall of Meow Mix going on in eight states: Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. If you're in any of those states and you've got the 30 pound bag, you might want to look closely at it to see if you might want to turn it back in, as it may be contaminated with salmonella, KY3 reports.

The recall covers only two 30-pound lots, both Meow Mix Original Dry Food sold at Walmart. The UPC code is 2927452099, Lot Codes 1081804 and 1082804, with the expiration date of 9/14/2022. This information can be found on the bottom and the back of the packaging. So far, no reports of pet illness have occurred (phew), but Meow Mix is still encouraging people to toss those particular bags.

The signs of salmonella in cats can include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, fever, and excessive salivation. Cats that aren't exhibiting symptoms can also pass the bacteria along to other cats, or to people in the household. Among humans, you'll want to watch out for vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramping, and fever. The risk is higher if a person handling the product doesn't wash their hands after touching the food or surfaces and pets that have been in contact with the product.

As always, I can't stress this enough as a pet owner: if your little one is acting different in any way, don't put off going to the vet. I know it's a pain and expensive, but you never know what could be happening.
