Busch "Latte" Literally Sings The Praises Of Morning Beer

Beer marketing has long been in the business of selling you the possibility of good times, beach parties, romantic connections, talking frogs, devious penguins, and all manner of life's other pleasures, as soon as you crack open a cold one.

As of late, however, some companies have embraced a more pragmatic approach to beer ads, highlighting the more common and everyday ways in which people enjoy their brews. A few weeks ago, Coors Light embraced the unique and private joy of the shower beer, going so far as to declare itself "the official beer of drinking in the shower." Now, Busch Light has co-opted what it claims to be "the affectionate nickname Busch Light fans have given to their beloved brew," and released a limited (and regional) run of "Busch Latte" cans. Also, it has a Folgers-style jingle:

You have to love the notation of "weekend morning" as the time stamp, rather than kicking off one's Tuesday with that Busch Latte feeling. Anyway, the colloquialism of "Busch Latte" briefly led to confusion among the Takeout staff. To clarify: this is Busch Light in a limited-edition can, and not a beer/coffee hybrid in the vein of PBR hard coffee (which, as it turns out, is pretty good).

It also led us to wonder about "Busch Latte" as a nickname, given that nobody in our office had ever heard the phrasing before, despite various staff members having lived all over the U.S. It may well just be one of those colloquialisms for certain beer brands that pop up over time, in the vein of Keystone Light being shortened to "Stones," or PBR being pronounced phonetically as "Pibber," or Coors Light as "C-minuses."

By all means, Takeout commenters, weigh in if you've heard of the Busch Latte before. If so, where and when? Curious minds are inquiring. And if you're in the category of Busch fans excited by this news, the cans are now available (in 30-pack form, of course) in Minnesota, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas. Please drink responsibly, in the morning and otherwise.
