Burger King Offers "Social Distancing Crowns" In Germany To Keep Away The Fools

As the pandemic grinds on people have found various ways of enforcing vital social distancing rules. Here in New York I taught my wife how to say to inconsiderate dummies, "Hey, I'm walkin' here!" in a classic NYC accent. In Austria, a bar has placed rather seductive-looking mannequins at strategic intervals to keep their living customers from getting too cozy. And, in Germany, Burger King has begun providing "social distance crowns" as a way of keeping people from getting too close to other customers and their tasty burgers.

As reported by Business Insider, the enormous sombrero-like paper crowns, which come folded up and have to be assembled by each customer, are a way of reinforcing social distancing rules in place at German Burger King locations. As told to BI, "The do-it-yourself social-distance crown was a fun and playful way to remind our guests to practice social distancing while they are enjoying food in the restaurants."

This isn't the only tongue-in-cheek distancing/marketing campaign the company has taken on either. Fast Company reports that Burger King locations in Italy are selling "Social Distancing Whoppers," which come laden with triple the regular volume of raw onion. Whether this is a way of actually keeping people away or just a creative way to use up an aging stockpile of onions is anyone's guess.

Burger King's amusing (if somewhat thirsty) marketing does make us wonder about other creative lengths to which people have gone to enforce social distancing. Have you seen similar feats being performed by either companies or people, or have you yourself engaged in amusing shenanigans to keep people at a safe distance? Inspire us.
