Irvin Ventura

Photo of Irvin Ventura
Houston, TX
Texas A&M University
Food Technology, Coffee, Stores And Chains
  • Irvin is a published author of two books focusing on mental health and immigrant experiences.
  • He has a background in technology with a strong interest in its applications in the food industry.
  • He spent five months in his parent's home country of El Salvador, spending much time learning about the coffee industry.


Irvin is a professional content writer and author based in Houston, TX, where he draws inspiration from the city's diverse culinary scene. With a foundation in business and technology, he's drawn to the fascinating intersections of food, psychology, science, and innovation. His insatiable curiosity has led him to author two books, "Pink Trumpets" and "An Inch Away from Death," which delve into mental health and immigrant experiences. He's excited to bring his unique perspective to Takeout, uncovering the untold stories behind our food choices and exploring how technology is reshaping the culinary world.


Irvin has a business degree from Texas A&M University.

The Takeout Editorial Policies

The Takeout’s industry-leading editorial coverage is the result of collaboration between writers and editors with a wide array of experience and expertise in the world of food and drink. Every article is fact-checked by our team of editors to ensure accuracy. Outside experts are also consulted to help deliver factual, up-to-date information.

Our mission is to both inform and entertain our readers, telling them everything they want to know (and more) about food. We strive to always provide a well-rounded reading experience, bringing both the biggest food news of the day and a break from the news. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Irvin Ventura