Holly Tishfield

Photo of Holly Tishfield
Local Coffee Shops, Vintage Cookbooks, Baking Competition Shows
  • In 2020, Holly attended a private dinner event where she met and interviewed celebrity Chef Art Smith, who then sent her home with a basket of fresh eggs that he collected from his chickens.
  • While writing for her college campus's Spoon University chapter, one food-related article sent Holly down a rabbit hole to find the best nutcracker — she now owns five different kinds.
  • Most of Holly's culinary expertise comes from growing up in an Italian kitchen with a grandmother who never thought she was too young to use the stove.


Holly is an experienced writer and food enthusiast based out of Florida. Following a lifetime of experimenting in the kitchen and religiously watching Food Network with her family, Holly took up cooking classes in 2020 to feed her fascination with the kitchen. Before her current position as a copywriter, she worked as a reporter for a local newspaper, where she regularly interviewed regional and national restaurant owners, often joining them for a sample of the goods. Holly is a literary buff with a hobby of collecting special editions of Peter Pan and vintage cookbooks. When she's not exploring her city for new restaurants and bakeries, she often plans her next week of meals or tries out new TikTok food trends.


Holly holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in creative writing from the University of North Florida.

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Stories By Holly Tishfield